
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Yard Sale-ing & Flea Market-ing

Lately, I have been hitting up some local yard sales and flea markets on the weekends. I have a love/hate relationship with yard sales and flea markets. On one side, I love searching through the multitude of items with the hopes of discovering something exquisite. On the other hand, I tend to get discouraged after multiple searches through dishes, knick knacks, decorations, and books to no avail. However, I can usually convince myself to continue on my search for the perfect items for my home, crafts, and projects.

Lately, I have had some successes in the book department. I’ve always loved vintage books. There’s just something inspiring about looking at the books of our past. Recently, I came across an older copy of Dr. Suess’ Green Eggs & Ham.

Also, I found these darling “natural wonders” books.

And, my most prized book find – a dictionary from the 60’s! My first thought when I saw this baby was “Oh, the crafts I can make with you!” And that is fully what I intend to do with this book – make crafts.

Another delightful little find is this owl drawing – I simply adore it.

What are some of your favorite yard sale/flea market finds?

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