
About Me

Hello! I’m Alli and I’m on a mission to find joy, happiness, and even a little wonder in this crazy life. I’m a Northern woman currently stuck in the South (northwest Florida to be exact). I live here with my hubs (Kings) and our two doggies  (Sookie & Toby). Lucky for me, we’re leaving this area in December and moving back to the region we love! In the meantime, I’m a grad student and hopefully soon-to-be teacher.

When I’m not consumed with school work, I love doing arts and crafts and other DIY projects. Although I will admit that I’m much better at starting projects and letting them go to the way side (Blog = motivation for completion). I’m a wannabe writer who likes to get the creative juices flowing. I love home design and fashion and hope to one day have a house and wardrobe as fabulous as the ones I’ve created in my mind.

I’m a lover of great food and good wine. I love to travel and wish I could do it more. The great outdoors bring me peace, so I try to visit often. I like experiencing all four seasons, but October through December is hands-down my favorite time of year. I am slightly obsessed with all things Christmas – there’s nothing quite like December nights, filled with light, laughter, and love. Every Sunday during football season, you can find me in front of a TV, cheering on my Philadelphia Eagles and my fantasy football team.

I’m hoping this blog will help all who visit, including me, develop a sunnier disposition on life. This journey is not always easy, in fact it can be pretty tough; but through learning to relish the simple joys of daily life, I believe we can create a fantastic adventure.

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