
Saturday, September 8, 2012

So I'm starting a blog...

So, I decided to start a blog. “Why?” you ask. That’s a good question. I can answer it with two main reasons: negativity and developing a craft.

Now before you leave my blog without reading another word, hear me out. I am trying to combat the constant negativity I’ve found in my head lately. You see, I live in northwest Florida because of my man’s military career. This has displaced me from the city I called home (Philly), my very best friends, and my family. Also, I’m nearing the end of graduate school, stressing about completing my program and, frankly, dismal career opportunities after graduation.  On top of all of this, I am a northern girl, born and bred, and I just do not fit in down here. I cannot stand the constant heat and humidity, I miss having four seasons, I miss living in a city, I miss my friends, I’m sick of being underemployed…the list goes on. Thus, the major sources of negativity in my life that I finally decided to work toward replacing with positive thoughts.

My second reason for starting a blog is to further develop my writing and creativity. One of my life goals/dreams is to become a published author. I’ve never told anyone that before (except the hubs, of course). I think it is because I’m afraid that my writing will be subpar, that no one would be interested in my ideas – basically, I’m afraid that I will fail. But I have all of these ideas in my head that I want to put onto paper and develop more. It’s a tug-of-war between my fears and my aspirations. But lately I’ve been hearing the phrase “dreams don’t work unless you do” playing in my mind, on repeat.  So, I spent a few days thinking about how to work on my writing skills, find my voice, and nourish my creativity, and I decided on a blog.

My goal for this blog is to help others who are struggling with negativity in their lives. I truly believe that one can find at least one amazing or excellent or beautiful or inspiring thing in every single day…if only one looks.

So, I am promising myself and my readers, that from here on out, I am looking. I am looking for that gleaming eye of a child who sees a balloon floating off into the clouds and wonders where it’s going. I am looking for that delightful flower growing in an unlikely place that puts you in awe of nature. I am looking for that perfect cup of coffee that makes getting out of bed in the morning just a little more pleasant. I am looking for the joy and elation in the faces of loved ones as they are reunited. I am looking for the little details hiding in the bookcases and on the walls that make your house a home. I am looking for that magical feeling that comes when a certain December holiday rolls around. I am looking for the little things, the simple things, which are brilliant, magnificent, and inspiring these are the things that make our lives sparkle and our nights twinkle.

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